What is cholera??

According to the Ministry of Health, Kenya has been reporting cases of cholera since May this year. So far, there are about 146 cases with 4 deaths being reported countrywide.

The World Health Organization defines cholera as a serious intestinal infection resulting in a painless water diarrhea . The main routes of transmission are ingestion of water and food contaminated by animal or human feces and urine that contain the causative bacteria, Vibrio cholerae.

The major risk factors associated with this disease are; limited access to safe drinking water, poor sanitation and poor hygiene practices.

The main clinical features associated with cholera are a painless water diarrhea and dehydration.These features eventually lead to a rapid loss of body fluids that may result to death if not treated.

This disease is easy to treat by replacing the lost fluids and salts in the body. WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends administration of oral dehydration salts (O.R.S) as fluid replacement. However, those patients with severe cases need administration of the appropriate antibiotics and intravenous (IV) fluids.

CESP’s Solution to curb Cholera.

At CESP, we offer products and solutions that ensure access to portable water and improved sanitation to our clients.

First, we treat waste water on site and discharge it to the environment , with our effluent having fully satisfied NEMA discharge requirements as well as international standards. We provide tertiary treatment of waste water for our clients, to ensure zero fecal coli forms and other indicator bacteria in the effluent that might result in waterborne diseases like cholera.

We also have solution’s that provide safe drinking water to our clients-our Reverse Osmosis as well as Ultra Filtration methods of water treatment have been tried and tested guaranteeing a sustainable provision of safe drinking water in homes, institution as well as other commercial establishments.

CESP’s storage tanks from Australia, have an AQUA LINER that ensure that the water is free from contamination at the points of consumption at household levels.Our tanks have been specially designed and constructed against entry of microorganisms and other contaminants during storage and when in use.

Let us work together to stop transmission and end deaths. It starts with you.